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Instagram: @maxi_wielo

Primary riding discipline: Slopestyle 
Hometown: Stuttgart, Germany

1) Favorite part about being a Title athlete?
I love riding for a brand that is working hand in hand with their athletes.

2) Most memorable riding moment?
The day I landed my first double frontflip, because I was trying to land it for over a year and it was my biggest success after my hardest injury.

3) Bucket list riding locations?
Canada and New Zealand!

4) What are your hobbies and interests outside of riding?
Cooking, bodybuilding, videography.

5) Who is someone that inspires you and why?
Max Fredriksson got me into riding and doing videos, he also showed me how to pursue doing what I love for a living.

6) If you weren’t a professional rider, what would your career be?
I would probably try to be a professional bodybuilder.

7) What was your first mountain bike?
A really basic Scott hardtail (that was meant for city cruises)

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