Primary riding discipline: Freeride
Hometown: Virgin, Utah
1) Favourite part about being a Title athlete?
My favorite part of being a Title athlete is being able to call all the other amazing athletes on Title my teammates, and the components are top-tier.
2) Most memorable riding moment?
My most memorable riding experience was probably huge flat spins with the boys at Backwoods Jam 23'.
3) Bucket list riding locations?
I don't really have any in mind, I want to go find new spots to explore and ride.
4) What are your hobbies and interests outside of riding?
I love surfing, skiing, and watching video parts from the G's that get me hyped to ride.
5) Who is someone that inspires you and why?
Tomas Lemoine, because I think he is good at being true to himself, and Harry Bryant, who is just a boss and makes insane video parts.
6) If you weren’t a professional rider, what would your career be?
Probably doing the same thing I am now, just working minimum wage and chasing good jumps around the world.
7) What was your first mountain bike?
Specialized HotRock 16 inch, but first full suspension was a Kona Stinky 2Fo (24) haha.