Kostenloser Versand ab 199 $ in Kanada/USA und ab 299 € in Europa Kostenloser Versand ab 199 $ in Kanada/USA und ab 299 € in Europa




Primary riding discipline: Downhill & Slopestyle
Hometown: Coquitlam, BC

Instagram: @natashamiller06

1) Favorite part about being a Title athlete?
I like being a Title athlete, because I get to be a part of filming cool videos, connecting with other riders and running awesome parts!

2) Most memorable riding moment?
My most memorable riding moment was my whole week and Darkhorse.

3) Bucket list riding locations?
My bucket list riding locations are Lapoma bike park, Dome Adrenaline Zone and Dreamtrack in Queenstown.

4) What are your hobbies and interests outside of riding?
Outside of riding my hobbies and interests are basketball, rugby and boating with my family.

5) Who is someone that inspires you and why?
All the Women out there pushing the Freeride Movement collectively.

6) If you weren’t a professional rider, what would your career be?
I can’t imagine a life without bikes, but I’d be a nurse.

7) What was your first mountain bike?
My first mountain bike was a Norco Detonator.

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